Potato, Potahto -- heck I have a co-worker that only buys 90/10 ground sirloin! For use in shepherds pie !!!!!!! Bless his heart, he's only doing what he thinks is right for himself.

"Much better than a butt or shoulder... no bones, and you still get a half inch of pork fat on top!"

unfortunately ( or fortunately, however one looks at it from a health point of view) I rarely find a pork loin in this neck of the woods that isn't completely scalped of any fat pad. Never mind any amount of deckel to be seen...

But then I've been known to do a BIG Pork Rib Roast for Thanksgiving or Christmas and consign the leftovers to the crock pot for pulled pork. Usually that results in some fine meals from the freezer long after the Holidays are done.

Remembering that a couple of those " freezer meals" wound up on a boat a LONG LONG LONG way from where it was first prepared... and it was shared by some of the same people who sat down to it in it's first starring role.

Hey, its cooking.... and shared is at its best, no bones about that!
