I use this link: http://www.cookinglight.com/food/quick-healthy/20-20-superfast-suppers-00400000038097/ all the time for ideas when I don't have time to cook all day. I never consider 20- or 30- minute recipes to actually BE 20 or 30 minutes because a)I'm a SLOOOW cook, and b) they're rarely complete meals with 2 veggies. BUT there are literally hundreds of recipes on this link, separated by main ingredient; chicken, pasta, fish, vegetarian, etc. and I ALWAYS find something that's easy & healthy.

That said, making something on Sunday that will give you at least a day or two of weeknight meals is about the only way to go when you know you're just going to be too late or tired to do anything but re-heat.

If I can't be a good example, I'll just have to be a horrible warning. [Linked Image]