got some inspiration this weekend from the wall at red cat restaurant, while waiting for the ladies room. funny where inspiration finds you. the recipe was for homemade caramel sauce over baked bananas. i threw in 2 sliced bananas in a 400 degree oven with caramel sauce drizzled (not homemade, but good quality vermont caramel) for 20mins. just realized now as i am typing that i forgot to sprinkle the toasted almonds on top after i took it out of the oven. <img src="" alt="" /> wish we had some vanilla ice cream on hand. otherwise, it was divine. i've also been browsing my cookbooks for new recipes to try. this is something that i made recently from one of my favorite brooklyn spots:

i made these meatballs and marinara sauce for an italian friend and her and her husband were floored by it; they said it was like grandma's.