Once a few many years ago we were tied up at a mooring ball at Leverick in North Sound, Virgin Gorda. Got up in the morning, went up top on deck and the dinghy was missing. The wife and I looked all around but did not see it. Uh oh, what to do? A little while later a local in an 18 foot skiff motored up to us towing our dinghy and said he found it floating around loose and would give it back to us for $50. We settled for $20., thanked him for saving our dink, and he left. It was only a short while later while discussing this with some random people at the marina that it came out that this guy drifted up to charter boats before dawn and untied their dinghys and "stole" them only to return them later with a false rescue story in exchange for cash money. I knew our dinghy could not have come untied as I double down on the cleat, so we were ripped off. It was not long after that our charter company (not named) began to offer locks. So, if you have a lock, use it when you are not in sight of your dinghy. Free advice unless you want to send me a check for $20...lol