Ever since our honeymoon on Maui and returning the following year to find “our” hotel was selling “our” room as a timeshare we thought of buying it as we planned to be back every anniversary. Well, then kids and costs, and we said good thing we didnt by “our” room as we wouldnt see Maui for 12 more years.

The best thing about a timeshare to me would be to help “force” a couple to make time and make budget for a vacation in a place and at a time that brings great happiness. Certainly, SXM is one of those places. Our trips have always been at New Years or in June.

Also, if a place were very hard to find good, comparable qccomodations and thus if you didnt “buy” you couldnt get it it wiuld have a different value. But, generally, I dont know of a place where that is true on Maui or SXM.

We looked into buying a yellow umbrella studio. That investment is even whackier than a timeshare would have been.

So, I dont look at a timeshare as a good investment or even an investment period. It is a vacation expense that is judged to be affordable/a good deal that forces a vacation to occur in a place that brings immeasurable happiness.

So, if a place no longer brings the happiness or the wallet cant afford the trek then the timeshare looses its purpose or “value”.

For those that can sell for something that shows more people share that happiness factor.

Some retain it and some lose it completely. Usually through mismanagement of funds.