The first time we took my brother and his wife was around 1988. My SIL wanted to know and learn everything. For Christmas the year before the trip we bought them a book on general sailing and knots etc.. The whole flight down she was driving Tim mad with questions about this and that. We got to the boat and started out of Road Town harbor. Tim shut of the engine and started to kind of wander around looking at stuff. He picked up a sheet and kind of jiggled it and tugged on it, then said " I wonder what this one does?" The look on my SIL's face was sheer panic, she said "I thought you knew what the [censored] you were doing!!" WTF are you trying to kill all of us!!" At that point Tim and I were just uncontrollably belly laughing, Tim in his best sailor style raise the main and unfurled the jib and in a matter of about 2 minutes we were screaming out of RoadTown, heeled over and taking no prisoners. She asked Tim in a very calm voice, "so I read the boat is suppose to tip to the side when you are doing it right. I take it back your not an A$sho*e. Then he asked her to tie a dragon bowline. She searched the book for an hour trying to find it. Only to prove that Tim really can be an a$sho!e.

It is better to be happy than it is to be right

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