George, glad you asked. There is actually room in both bays for more moorings. 10 moorings were removed from Great Harbour after Irma and there are six less at Cooper than before Irma. We are hopeful that the local business will invest in replacing the ones that have been removed or damaged over the years.

BoatyBall originally built the application to simplify payment for FCFS moorings and this is still an option for mooring ball owners. At this time none of the mooring ball owners have chosen to put their moorings in the FCFS program.

However, making all the moorings FCFS will not solve the demand issue. Yesterday morning we had at least 109 boaters try and reserve 15 moorings at Cooper. If all 30 moorings at Cooper were FCFS they would have filled up fast.

As you mentioned in your previous post even if you waited around for one to open up you would probably lose out to a power cat racing through the mooring field. Unfortunately, this is something many of us have experienced.