Yes, it was rapidly changing and what I could see was different from what Delta agents could see and what Delta agents were telling my wife. It changed rapidly from last Sat. to Mon. & Tues. and continued to change as does any rapidly developing situation. I started working on things last Sunday morning as it was obvious most information from the airlines was unreliable at best and could change at any time, like it did. I followed what the SXM government was saying, what was happening in the US and tried to make the best decisions I could for myself and at the same time provide information and help to others.

People were concerned for you, trying to provide you information and you went 2.5 days between your "HELP" post and any follow up post. I guess you got it taken care of since you kind of disappeared.

Yes, Ed, I lived it, just a few days less than what you did. I had already put into place alternate plans for lodging (4 different options to be precise and two of them came from TTOL members and one from a local SXM friend) in case I did not get out. Fortunately it did not come to that.
