You didn't come across as grouchy to me. We also avoid Pburg like the plague. Went there once several years ago and haven't gone back. Hated the crowds, the insistence of shopkeepers to 'come in, come in', and never found anything there that I wanted that I couldn't buy at home. We must have had a dozen hawkers ask us if we're 'American'. We must be easy targets. LOL! My hubby started telling people he was from (fill in the blank with various countries). <img src="" alt="" />

We go for the beaches (not Great Bay), the food, and some relaxation. I personally don't find any of that in Pburg, but that's just me. Others seem to enjoy it. It's not our cup of tea.

Robin & Ed

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. - Henry Miller