One caveat for Cape Air customers. Should your flight be changed at the gate for any reason, such as to an earlier/later flight, confirm with the desk that ALL the weight entries have been transferred to the new flight, personal weight and baggage. We were moved to an earlier flight, and while walking across the tarmac our group was stopped. After 15 minutes of wondering what's going on, my wife and I get pulled back in. We ask what is going on, they say go up to the desk. Go up to the desk, girl looks at me and asks why I'm there. She has to call downstairs to see why they sent me up. Turns out the weights of the bags were not entered onto the next flight in their computer system. Less than 70 lbs between all the bags. If you watch their antiquated computer system, they have to go through multiple pages to complete a check in or change, so the possibility of missing a required entry is there, even though the system will spit out a confirmed seat boarding pass. Got to cool our heels for 3 hours waiting for the next flight.
Of course they never considered looking at the weight tags on the bags, that would have been too easy.

My foot fits right into my shoe and my shoe will fit right into your...