Annoddddd said:
Another agree with Eureka in Roadtown and right across the hall from the pharmacy.

In January I had used peroxide in my ears as "prevention" and it actually caused otitis externa (swimmers ear)

1) agree that Eureka is a pretty good clinic. They actually own Bouganvillea Clinic now, as well, although Robin Tattersall is still slightly involved.
2) for years i put a few drops of a half-and-half alcohol and vinegar in my ears after exiting the water to prevent swimmers ear. A nurse in STT looked in my ears years ago and asked if I was a divermaster. I said I dove a fair amount but was not a divemaster, and did spend a lot of time in the water. She said that I had fungus in my ears, that it did not cause pain, but could lead to deafness. I told her about faithfully using the alcohol/vinegar mix and she told me that while that guarded against bacterial infection, it did not do anything to counteract a fungal infection. She recommended that I change my mix to thirds - alcohol/vinegar/peroxide.

As usual, YMMV.