Really enjoyed the trip report! Those "crew dynamics" can be a killer, oh how I know. I'm very surprised the captain didn't lay out duties ahead of time and make sure everyone followed the rules. I also don't think he should abandon you during high stress situations but my first thought was he may have planned it that way. Maybe not.

Anyway, I guarantee you will enjoy your first trip "on your own" where you'll be deciding everything for yourselves. We had a suboptimal experience the first time out with friends who turned out to be Thurston Howell III and Lovey. So much so I had to ask the forum how they manage crew dynamics and learned some valuable lessons.

Since then I've learned to carefully manage crew expectations, make sure they know the Captain is in charge of the boat and all safety issues (no discussions) and we agree ahead of time how chores will be assigned or shared down to the last detail.

Life involves risks, take some prudent ones (NOT with the BVI ferries)!