This was just an injunction hearing! The injunction was to prevent them from denying us access to our units. The great thing is that even if he appeals this, he has to allow access while the appeal is pending. And there are members who will either be allowed to use their units or will be given money for each day he denies access. There is still an underlying case that is due to be heard in 2016. This will address a lot of other issues including damages. At least we are not rolling over. At least he has to answer for what he did to people. It's not over yet, but at least now we have a victory that shows we were not foolish in pursuing this. I really just want to get back to drinking pina coladas and buying jewelry and having fun on my favorite island. Hopefully this ruling is an indication that I will either have a place to stay, or get my money back so that I can pay to stay elsewhere.

The other nice thing is that he has to pay the court costs/legal fees incurred for obtaining this injunction..