Very helpful, everyone. Big thanks for Warren for spending a load of time talking earlier this week.

We hear you all loud and clear to plan less for more relaxation. We're scrapping fishing and will dive if it fits in the schedule w/good visibility - probably the Rhone wreckage. Massage is likely out and we'll get a SUP if the winds look good for it.

We're also adding in Oil Nut Bay in exchange for Scrub as Oil Nut looks awesome.

As for a Coco Maya dinner, what's the most efficeint way to do this? We were planning to stay at/near Leverick for this stop but it's a long way from Coco Maya. That day we're planning to hit the Top of the Baths for breakfast -> Baths -> Hog Heaven -> Oil Nut Bay. We plan to have a car that day but don't want to drive boozed. Should we hit CocoMaya on our way in the night before? Is there an easy way to get back near Leverick? All can change but we are thinking we'll head to Anegada early AM from staying at / near Leverick.

Regarding timing, we're sailing 2/15-2/22. If any of our paths cross we'll have to enjoy painkillers or whack bush on the beach!

Thanks again for all your help.

Last edited by bjack0013; 01/30/2020 06:03 PM.

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