We were traveling with friends. We had stayed a week in St. Thomas before landing in SXM. We rented a car and headed to Le Mecure Simpson. I was driving and as I was pulling into the parking lot, I noticed by the front entrance they had a raised area so when you got out of your car you didn't have to step up into the place. As I reached the raised area I began to pull up onto it and since there were 4 of us and all our luggage in the car, the car got stuck. Couldn't go back or front. The other three had to get out of the car and grab the luggage so I could get the car off the inclined area. After checking in we decided to get some lunch so we entered their restaurant. NO ONE spoke English! Someone went to the kitchen and brought a fellow out who could speak English so we could order. We changed into our bathing suits after lunch and as we were about to enter the water, they told us it wasn't safe to swim in the water in front of the place since it was so polluted. Have never been back to that place. That was 20 years ago and many, many visits since.