My thoughts surrounding a November visit remain about the same. That would be the earliest I would shoot for, and by all means have travel insurance in place for a number of reasons. Things will eventually return to normal. They key is not pushing the peddle too soon. Infections worldwide should begin to decrease steadily over the summer months. Will COVID-19 simply disappear by the end of summer? Probably not, because not enough people will be infected to create herd immunity. But, there are a number of positive signs on the threshold. Oxford's Jenner Institute has a vaccine which started initial human trials yesterday. This first phase of human trials will attempt to identify immediate side effects from the vaccine. If all goes well, it's possible that double-blind placebo trails could begin as early as June. Of course, this is wishful thinking, but the scientists in England who are working on this have a high level of confidence that this vaccine will be ready on a limited basis by September. Initial doses will be reserved for medical professionals and other health care workers who are on the front lines. The hope is that by Christmas (if all goes as planned) worldwide distribution of their vaccine will be ready. This would require partnering with large pharmaceutical companies that can produce billions of doses of the vaccine. In addition, other vaccines that use different scientific methods are being fast-tracked. In China earlier this week, non-human primates (monkeys) were injected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus after receiving a vaccine and none of the subjects developed a COVID-19 infection. The sample size was small, but encouraging nonetheless. Of course, any vaccine that arrives this fall will require FDA approval. So we all must be diligent and ride out the storm, but there is light at the end of this tunnel.