maytrix said:
I'm not sure why this has become such a big discussion. Go try maneuvering a 40' boat in a busy mooring field and that boat is far more limited in where they can go than a 10' jet ski.

Not to mention that someone renting a jet ski isn't going to know much about the rules anyway nor should they be moving around a mooring field. But they should easily be able to avoid other boats.

What he said. ^^^^

You guys are taking the words of someone who is instructing someone who is presumably of somewhat limited helming experience that is made nervous by jet skis buzzing around all about her and turning them into something completely different. I'm fairly certain that Clod was not instructing anyone to simply run over an idling jet ski.

Can we let this one go? KISS keep it simple. This little topic that started out as a warning that jet skis in CGB can be annoying and dangerous doesn't need to be analyzed like the Zapruder film.