EdB said:
I have been to most of the restaurants on Grand Case...and have never worn long pants. LaSamanna...never been too...don't plan too. I also don't go to the fancier places in a tee shirt...like i mentioned..usually a polo type collared shirt. If someone turned away diners on Grand Case....willing to bet it was NOT over the dress code, but probably filled for the night. If any restaurant wants to be that ''stuffy'' and require a ''dress code'' they won't last long on such a casual island. La Samanna is a whole different world...along with the people that stay there.

I'm racking my brain to remember the name of the GC restaurant but can't. I'd hate to say the name I think it was if that wasn't the place. It had the best onion soup I've had yet. I'm sure I'd recognize it by sight. We sat in front in a curved section facing the street. It's on the non-water side of street.

We did NOT have a reservation and neither did the couple after the couple that was refused seating. So being "full" wasn't in question. In fact after our 3 course meal the place still wasn't full to capacity. I believe it was their attire.