With no pregnancy issues I don't believe you have any reason to cancel. There have been millions of people certainly contact this virus world wide. Like West Nile a decade or so ago, you can bet your bottom dollar it will be an epidemic in many areas of the U.S. We have the appropriate Mosquitos in much of the country and anyone flying gets an appreciation for the number of daily travelers going thru Miami and other gateways to and from Caribbean where Zika is prevalent. To believe we will confine an outbreak to a 1 sq mile neighborhood in Miami is beyond silly. It's not like the disease has to spread from there. You will have people in every region returning from the tropics..some infected with Zika. Nobody will be tested likely till there are cases of microcephaly. Outside of that and in immune compromised people it seems to have very mild symptoms. There will be little testing in the areas beyond Florida. With West Nile, because of severity of symptoms in horses and people it was easy to track the disease. I'm not sure the correlation with birth defect is simply the virus. Some neurologist on CNN yesterday was at the epicenter of the abnormal births in Brazil. It was a very poor area on the northeast coast. The population was very poor and nutrition was very bad as well. His point was there may be a combination of factors. Surely hope so.
We had a friend who are contemplating having a baby at some point in the not distant future that had booked and cancelled our accomodations on VG. I would not dream of charging them in their situation. For Brenda and I, I don't give it a second thought.