there's a recipe posted in the bbq thread on the u.s. board for tomato based slaw. i suspect i've had it unknowningly once before. i plan on trying this recipe out soon because if it's what i'm thinking, it's the best slaw i've ever had. not the typical mayo based one most are familiar with. as for what's cooking for dinner not too much. it's been a lot of eating out this week unfortunately. although i did throw in a roaster chicken in the slowcooker, rubbed generously with salt and pepper inside and out, freshly squeezed lime on top, with lime rinds and cilantro placed in the cavity. i froze the broth and most of the meat. with some of the shredded chicken i made a chicken salad sandwich using a little mustard, mayo, pepper, lime, cilantro, and celery. nice noontime meal.

annie- connecting the grill directly to the gasline is the way to go. that's how we have it setup and we love it.

Last edited by caribbeanscout; 02/13/2010 12:28 AM.