To be clear, everything on the island is not peaches and cream right now, but what I'm talking about is ATTITUDE, ENERGY, and COMMITMENT. It was everywhere and moving in the right direction. Cathyg, Orient Beach (and Club O) are very popular destinations that entrepreneurs have invested in and profited from in the past, and they will do so again. It's pretty much the same with Grand Case. They'll get started as quickly as they can, if they haven't already.
I don't know where you get the idea that the French are any less resilient or entrepreneurial than the Dutch, that's just silly. And as others have pointed out, the damage was just as bad on both sides of the island. You obviously have a deep emotional commitment to the island, especially the French side, so it confuses me as to why you seem so willing to give up so quickly.
Sasasal, I beg to disagree, but I KNOW that within six months the island will be back in business for tourists and I will able to go to SXM and have a great time. Will everything be perfect by then? No, of course not. But why do you have to wait three years for everything to be picture perfect for you to return and enjoy it?