Originally Posted by Christo
Hi Kupe,

Bitter End have no pennants...but if you want something enough...it can be achieved! Wife in dinghy with the lines...dinghy tied to bow of yacht...slow approach...she passed lines through the ball and passed up to me...easy!

Hi Christo-

Great stuff! Yes, we've picked up a mooring without a pennant in the past as well using much the same technique. We arrived Anegada a bit late and it was the last mooring available. But in that case, it was simply a pennant that had been chopped off by a prop. Nobody had a problem with us using that mooring, and yep we still paid the 30 bucks (or whatever it was).

My concern is that in the case of Bitter End, the intent of removing the pennants seems to be to indicate that they are not for use at this time. So just didn't want to run afoul of the Bitter End folks, or anyone else who has had to close their mooring field.

Speaking of Oil Nut, I will ask this question at our chart brief, but is the buoyed Saba-to-Oil Nut channel open to charter boats? My charts show it carries 7 to 8 feet at low tide. To be honest, I don't think I'd try it, but just curious. I suppose one could then anchor in Deep bay and dinghy from there. Probably just better to moor as you did and dinghy in from Bitter End/Saba area.

We are all grateful for your great tips!
