Originally Posted by JasonHelmbrecht
I'll kindly mention that there was a storm here in September that was bigger than any storm in BVI recorded history.

I've been in the BVI three times so far this year. I've been incredibly impressed by the strength and adaptability of the BVIslanders in responding to the damage from the storm. Not only are they resilient they have their priorities straight. By getting power and cellular systems back on line as a priority they have made everything else that must easier. My experience there bringing boats out on delivery, all of which required some local support to get ready for sea, has been truly amazing given the damage. Tortola and Jost Van Dyke are recovering nicely although there is still much to do. #BVIStrong

Warren's experience on Cooper is saddening and out of character. While it may be an anomaly in BVI it is a disturbing one. There is no excuse for the reception he encountered. Cooper Island has long been a favorite stop and the restaurant a "must do." I'll leave it to others to report on any possible philosophical recovery and plan to walk the beach, snorkel Cistern Point, and eat aboard.


S/V Auspicious