Originally Posted by dmwieser
How unfortunate for Philipsburg. All the more reason to be on the french side.

I am sorry....but that statement is just plain WRONG in so many aspects. How will a large hotel hurt Phillipsburg???? How do you think Philipsburg became into being in the first place??? THis hotel is being built on the same land that was the Great Bay Hotel. At the time of it's being built....it was the first major resort on the island!!! With the new hotel opening....it will bring 1. construction jobs. 2. it will bring plenty of tourtists. 3. endless amount of dollars for the economy 4. Permanent Jobs. 5. did is say money to the island? and the list goes on. One other important side note.....the PLanet Hollywood name will bring in countless more ''younger people'' to it's hotel. Let's face it....Most of us that have loved the island for so many years, are now ipart of the ''older generation" Saint Martin has not been as big a draw for the younger generation as it was back in the day. By having a hotel like this...it will be a great draw for the next generation to come fall in love with the island, like we did so many years ago, and insure that the island will continue to thrive in the future.

This plan of theirs is a HUGE Win for all of SXM. Maybe it's stuff like this is why the Dutch side is so far ahead of the French side in the rebuilding post Irma.

Last edited by EdB; 09/08/2018 12:44 PM.