I think we're all in agreement regarding the importance of rebuilding Club O. But, in reality it sounds like it's going to take a while. After Irma I know there were folks who figured they'd return in the spring of 2019 after everything was wiped out on that fateful September day. I wasn't so sure based on how things work on the French side of SXM. But, whatever. As long as it comes back 'new and improved' one day that's the important thing. However, I would very much like to see Papagayo's rebuilt soon and expanded. I realize that there wouldn't be the steady flow of people around because the cabins aren't there (nor is Alamanda, etc.), but bringing back Papagayo's first would have many, many benefits.

But, it would need to be expanded from just a clothing optional sit down restaurant to something more. A large outdoor patio with a bar would be a must, and for those wanting to grab a bite inside the restaurant could be rebuilt with both clothing-optional and textile sides. Visitors to Orient Beach from cruise ships, etc. would be curious and many would give a place like this a try. Chair and umbrella rentals could the be added (Cedric?) and even a small gift shop. Then, when the resort returns some day more people will be familiar with the area and possibly consider staying here. The need to keep this area relevant and attractive to future generations could be enhanced by this. Heck, if they even wanted to change the name from 'Papagayo's' to something like the 'Club Orient Bar & Grille' I'd be okay with that!