We booked in December via Expedia and have booked a trip in May via Travelocity. In both cases we booked a vacation package including airfare and it was considerably cheaper than any other option. The package discount was over $400 in both cases.

In Expedia, you can search on the home page for N Resort Falmouth and you can find the hotel page. If you are booking a vacation package, tell it you want to travel to Falmouth, Jamaica and it will take you right to N Resort.

On Travelocity, for any search of Jamaica hotels, enter "natural" for "Hotel name contains" and it will take you right to it. Lately, Travelocity has taken to giving me an initial page of "choice" Jamaica hotels first and I have to hit View More Hotels to see more than that first 10.

I very much hope others will find this resort and book it. We loved our trip and are heading back for a longer one. But, with occupancy so low, I don't see how then can be that long for the world and their marketing is PATHETIC, so not many people know about this resort. When we went, the first thing people would always ask when you met was "how did you find out about this place?"