I know everyone says half the clothes - I think it really depends on what someone packs though. I end up bringing a t-shirt for every day plus a few extra, couple pairs of shorts and underwear for each day and a couple bathing suits. Wife and I share a rolling duffel (not too big) and get all our clothes in it. It's all the other stuff that takes up too much room!

Agree completely on arriving early at a destination. It's easy to then find plenty to do at that location and not have to rush to get a mooring.

I also think planning on itinerary can be a good thing. The key is not to feel you have to stick to it, but it can be a decent guide and help you figure out where you want to go and what you want to do. And I find it a fun way to pass time leading up to the trip. If you find it a chore, skip it, otherwise have fun with it. I've even put together powerpoint slideshows for friends - sort of an interactive itinerary

Wear sunscreen - lots of it. Make it part of your morning ritual - I get up, put on a bathing suit, put in my contacts (always do that before sunscreen!!!) and then apply sunscreen.

Know your limits. If you pull into an anchorage and start to feel uncomfortable maneuvering in it, get out and go somewhere else. Our first trip we were on a 47' Cat (largest boat I ever Captained) and heading to the Soggy Dollar our first day. It was packed and I pulled in and started maneuvering and wasn't comfortable so we bailed. Also don't let someone else convince you how to do something - do it the way makes you comfortable - you are at the helm and you are responsible and know your ability - not the person back seat driving. Doesn't hurt to take suggestions though.
