I know that there will be folks who don't agree with this, but I tie a line ( fairly thin strong cord like parachute cord) to the boat hook. This has saved the boat hook many times when we had newbies going for the mooring. I also bring a package of handi wipes--reusable, light and good for fast cleanups. A wrist loop on the flashlight that you take into dinner saves the risk of losing it in the dark. Also, don't shine the flash in the dingy drivers eyes!!! Seems like a "duh" thing, but I can tell you (and I am not a newbie) how many times I have swung around in the dink and blinded my husband!! We also refill small bottles from gallon jugs--sharpie perfect sense for crew ID. Can never bring too many clothes pins--do try to get the old fashioned wooden ones--the plastic ones crack too easily. Put more than you think you need when hanging clothes on life lines--the wind can quickly render them flying objects. Also, never set sail with anything hanging from the life lines, clothes, rags, bathing suits, etc.