Originally Posted by mdldgl

The difference between a BianaxNOW done at an official test site and one done at home is at the test site, someone trained to perform the nasal swab takes the sample and performs the test process. At home, the person
testing themselves takes the nasal swab.

I agree that it is a very small difference, but evidently enough difference that it will not be accepted by SXM's EHAS review. The application will be denied.

On the official EHAS link it clearly states:
"Results from home covid-19 collection test kits will also not be accepted."

See full link:

I don't like it any more than you.... but currently the BianaxNow Home test will not meet the requirements.

The last few trips I have pulled up to Walgreens and swabbed my own nose at the drive through. Heck for surgery I had to swab my nose at two different hospitals - Danbury CT and Greenwich CT (it was a rough year!!). So no one trained to swab is doing it. To return to the states these tests are approved. They literally watch you swab your nose and run the test. We shall see. If the island wants a successful winter season and still test, they better approve these home monitored tests.