Breck, you know that 12 in a dinghy is going to require forethought What's the old saw ?? Take two, they're small.

As far as provisioning, make sure you go heavy on good snacks. 6 kids can be awesome one minute and hangry -fighting the next. Avoid that. Beef Jerky, Slim Jims, fruit leather, cheese sticks, Go-gurt, tasty granola bars. No galley work required, those are grab and go. PBJ's at will.

Restaurants ashore; my opinion is a party of 12 strains most dining rooms in the BVI. Relieve some of that pressure for them and go early. Reserve ahead of time. Don't push the 7 pm "witching hour". In by 5:30 or 6 and out. Another thought is splitting up the group into 2 or 3 smaller parties. Smaller parties are quicker than 1 large group.

Have a great time !