"Politics do not determine the existence of nude recreation locations." You've got to be kidding! A primary function of AANR is lobbying and government relations. Politics absolutely determines where nudity will be legal and where it will not.

It was not the politicians of New York State who revoked the clothing optional status of Fire Island, it was the federal government (national park service).

We are tolerant. We are diverse. We are not the problem. The fact that there are some of "God's Country" (I can't believe they used that term) in AANR does not imply anything about the majority of conservatives. You'll find lots of commentary online about America being more prudish than European countries and it will be usually couched as conservative Americans vs liberal Europeans. Anyone who does not realize that the majority of conservatives would shut down every nude beach in the country is naive. Every year legislation is proposed in Florida to ban all nude beaches. Want to guess what party the proposers belong to? Hint: they didn't vote for Obama. A republican in North Carolina has proposed a bill that makes it a felony to expose a nipple. AANR is in a constant battle and it's pretty clear who the problem is. So, don't tell me red vs. blue doesn't matter.