In 1983 my husband and I wanted to by a cooler, we were staying at club orient but drove into Philipsburg to go shopping. We asked everyone we met if they knew where we could buy a cooler. Finally someone sent us to the front of town to the second floor of a nice store. We climbed the stairs and told the saleperson that we were told we could find a cooler here, he said OH! Yes we have many coolers here. I looked to the back wall looking at refrigerators.
I said NO I was looking for the smaller kind you don't plug in and put ice in and can bring to the beach. Back then you couldn't find a cooler anywhere. We went back to CO and met a person on the beach who was leaving that day and said to us "We brought this cooler down with us but we are going home tomorrow, Would you like to have it?" We treated them to dinner and of course took their cooler, passing it on to the next tourist we had met before we checked out.