I've been taking everyone's advice into consideration. Most tell me to skip Anegada and/or CGB and Jost in lieu of more time at Leverick. At some point I'll make up my mind. Right now I'm still in the "tossing around ideas" planning stage. So, for simplified purposes, assuming I'm cruising at 10knts in a 43 pc, Leverick to Anegada is 12nm give or take, correct? So, 11/2 to 2 hrs? Then, Anegada to CGB approx 22nm? So, 21/2 hrs? Not sure what the governed speed is on the power cat but I'm sure it's capable of 15-17 burning much more fuel just in case I get a lot of "are we there yet" comments or some weather pops up or we run out of ice. I think a lot of the suggestions to skip those long routes are based on sail. Plus, for me half the fun of this trip will be the journey.

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