So, worst comes to worst and on the second day you are in North Sound and you want to strangle each other.

Take a ball at Leverick, dinghy in and beg to be taken to a slip for the rest of the week. Stay on the boat, rent a car, visit all of VG and ride the free water shuttle all around North Sound. When your time is up, key the Iron Jenny and motor back to base ( yes you can do this in one shot if you start early. We've motor- sailed from Leverick to CYOA on St Thomas and made a noon check-in, and that included a swim at Christmas Cove. ) Granted, that was a very early morning departure from NS, but everyone got their coffee with refills and their toast/cereal and no one complained.

There are always ways to work around an issue, and virtually no reason to beat yourself up. See it for an opportunity, not a potential disaster.