We have anchored in the lagoon for a day stop several times. We are always careful to pick a spot of sand to drop the anchor, outside of their channel, close to the reef.

They have a lot of kite surfing going on and one time a staffperson swung by in a skiff and warned us that there would be kite surfing. And, the kite surfer got a little tangled up near us. Thank goodness, not in our rigging.

We have gone around in the dinghy (when we were absolutely sure no one was on the beach - we were not disturbing) and checked out the beaches and water toys. Very tempted to start jumping on the water trampoline, but we didn't. One beach has racks full of neatly organized snorkeling gear.

My husband doesn't like to go there at all - feels like he is trespassing. It's very windy in the anchorage and not the most pleasant spot to anchor.