You could consider checking out from JVD instead of Sopers, unless someone needs to catch the ferry from Sopers. If everyone is going to be on the boat to St John you could consider a few days on the boat there too. Some very nice areas there.
We go to the snorkeling sites and gear everything around that so after 1 trip up to Anegada, it's not even on the list anymore.

I agree with StormJib on the hired skippers routine, I know you paid for the boat, and probably paid dearly, but don't put him/her under the pressure of an itinerary. They'll be flexible enough for you to lay out a plan, but plans will change, sometimes due to weather or swell, sometimes due to boat trouble, or possibly your guests missed flights and ferries. You should be ready and willing to go with the flow. It's the islands mon, enjoy.