To answer the possibilities of those questions you would need several different lawyers with expertise in several areas of the law or a global full service law firm that includes at least an Admiralty Practice.

The list of variables is very long. Most likely you would be dealing with a third party owned boat(s), a third party or parties operator. British Law in the BVI territory.

One mitigator to some of the risk is most on the boat crews would have to find a local attorney and travel back to the BVI to attempt to sue all those involved with witnesses that may be all over the globe by the time the attorney is retained.

That might not be true with a "distracted" skipper who motored over something like a local fisherman?

The best solution for anyone residing in the United States is a good liability policy associated with your primary residence backed up by a solid liability umbrella for anything you or your family is ever sued for. The most important part of the those umbrella and homeowners policies is the guarantee to defend you and your family against any lawsuit. In very simple terms you want your own coverage to always defend you and your family should anyone claim you or your family has somehow damaged them. You want the best lawyer in the room on your side. You do not want to be the only one in the out of town court without a lawyer to be you. NOTE: Not all policies will cover you in a rented or non owned vehicle. If you travel or have an active life you do not want that policy. Others may not back you up globally including posting a bond to get you out of foreign custody. You do not want that policy. You want two policies that will back you up against all claims globally.

As the boats get larger and the loads grow to enormous levels the risks do go up. The loads on a catamaran main are very high. Power winches can do very catastrophic damage to those that do not use the proper position and procedure to operate them. There is one tragic example of a wife at the dock in Antigua tragically harmed forever by a power winch that was not properly operated. Every crew has some risk with the windlass, powered winches, and the boats moving in the crowded anchorages coupled with swimmers. You should have your own insurance providers back you and your family up there. That is true whether you are the victim or the accused.