Just curious if anyone has given much thought to liability concerns while chartering a boat. It's not really clear to me what I'm covered for and what I'm not. I know the charter company has liability insurance that covers damage to the boat and certain property, but my bigger concern is liability in terms of people - both on our boat and not. Of course I wouldn't charter if I thought there was any reasonable chance that things would go seriously wrong, but still we are dealing with Mother Nature and some factors are beyond our control. Beyond that, people aren't perfect and even the best of us can make a mistake from time to time. So, what if the worse case happens and there is an accident that injures (or worse) one of my non-family crew? What are the potential ramifications and what would I be covered through the charter company insurance and/or my home insurance? Any travel policies or other insurance that would cover something like that? I know it's kind of a dark subject for a generally upbeat forum, but if anything ever did happen the last thing I want to be thinking about are financial concerns. FWIW, my job deals a lot with risk management so it's in my nature to worry about what can go wrong.



Last edited by snmhanson; 08/23/2016 10:56 AM.