Under sail, we made it from between the Pitons, close to Sugar beach, to Bequia in 9 hours. We were up pre dawn engines running and slipped the lines at the first perception of morning light. We made Bequia in 9 hours and there at about 3:15 pm. Marigot bay is 10 miles north and requires more presision to clear the mooring area so you may want a bit more light on departure. Marigot Bay to Bequia is possible, Be sure to check on the time when the customs office closes. We were on a Moorings 4800 which may be faster than a smaller boat.

We were aware of additional crime around Soufriere so moored as far south/away as possible. We also had dinner on board. I felt pretty safe at our location. We also felt safe at Rodeny Bay.

I wrote a 2 part trip report on the one way trip over in the southern Caribbean section.

Last edited by Jccarr; 11/02/2017 04:35 AM.