I am thrilled to see people responding in support of Club O. The experience of meeting people who stay there and the friendships developed through the staff are immeasurable. It is more responsible to group the people as one and list them as our friends at Club O. Our life has changed and all positive from our stays at Club O and our visits to St. Martin.
We love St. Martin and all it has to offer. We found a home away from home at Club O. Until you have experienced it several times it is hard to imagine.I can only thank the Club for the many times we will never forget. I wish we had discovered Club O earlier in our life. We have however enjoyed every visit. (Counting probably in the 30 plus area)
From our prospective we have found our favorite vacation spot. Yes we have experienced other c/o resorts and yes spent weeks on the Dutch side. So may I please say that Club O was fantastic for us and we count the days to it’s return.
carib cheers all,

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere........