Revenue sharing if you have a popular boat and a solid company can work great. Mike put a lot of work into the Jeannius and might well have been one of the most successful examples. He also benefitted from having a unique boat and he caught the Catamaran boom at the right time. A lack of cats and everyone wanting one with his being one of the best available. Some Moorings owners with boats in their crewed fleets on shared revenue programs did extremely well also in that time frame.
The one big downside to shared revenue is if something happens to the boat that requires a extended down time for the boat. My boat was down 9 months for Irma and every check arrived on time every month. In addition the Moorings rebooked two weeks of sold owners time to other bases so we did not lose any revenue.
The big downside to guaranteed income is maintenance. A company paying all the bills is not going to do as good a job as when the owner pays the bills. I can’t comment on how much the paid overhual in the Moorings contract offsets that because I sold or traded both boats on the exit day.
One last thing to keep in mind. Insurance costs are going nowhere good!