We have not swum at Monkey Point for a few years, thought we would give it a try again. Sailed from Cooper to Marina Cay and motored to Monkey Point via Camano passage. There was as yet no sign of the predicted north swell.

Monkey point was nice, about as I remembered it. Certainly worthwhile but not on the level of some of our favorite spots.
The plan was to go back to North Sound for the night, and I wanted to sail at least part of the way, so exited east of Guana as to not lose another 3 miles of easting and sailed two legs in ENE 15-18kts. I had both reefs in the main, which was pretty unnecessary, but it was pretty lumpy and I don't know that more sail would have given us much more speed. It sometimes seems on this boat that all the upwind drive comes from the genoa and what you get from the main is mostly weather helm.

Making about 5.5 knots around 50 degrees AWA, the tack angle was around 120 degrees. I kept myself occupied trying to work out a formula in my head for VMG as a function of tack angle. 120 makes it easy and I believe leads to VMG = V/2. If I was able to tack through 90 degrees AWA as performance boats surely can, that would improve to V/sq(2). I'm sure there's a general formula involving a trig function, but I couldn't quite figure it out without pencil and paper.

In any case, I was reminded why I don't often sail my little condo to weather :-)

My paddleboard has been losing air, and I tracked down the leak with soap and water and unfortunately the air is coming from a sleeve in the rail that holds a stiffening batten. The only option appears to be to attempt to patch over the sleeve opening (and no longer use the batten). I will try this, but probably time to think about replacing it again.

M4000 "Lio Kai"