
I start prepping the meats a few weeks in advance and just keep pushing them through the sous vide. The results are amazing.

Sample process for chicken breasts: Adapted from (https://www.seriouseats.com/the-food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-chicken-breast)

set water bath temp to 150. Salt and pepper chicken breasts and seal in vacuum bag. Drop in water bath for 2 hours. Remove from sous vide. Remove from bag, pat dry and reseal in new vacuum bag and freeze.

When you pack your polar bear cooler, if you FILL it to the max (all your proteins packed as solidly and tight as possible) they will stay "frozen" for a good while, a few days even. This may seem like overkill, but if you have a large freezer, freeze the entire filled cooler for a few days before you leave. The best part is since they are all already cooked, they dont need to stay "frozen" for safety purposes. We just keep the meats in the cooler the whole trip (usually a week) and add ice every few days.

Pull meat daily to use, allow to thaw and they only need to be seared with oil and spices to be perfectly cooked. Works with all proteins. I have thought about buying a folding electric griddle to see if we can make it work better without the use of propane in the galley.

For steaks, I toss in some fresh rosemary and garlic before sous vide. For salmon, only salt and pepper. etc......

Hope this helps.