A typical passenger jet flies 2,000 hours a year or 5-6 hours per day. One round trip EIS to MIA each day would put the BVI Air plane in that range. BVI will be subsidized for at least the first three years. The aged aircraft model chosen is a very low capital cost or operating lease cost option. The subsidy will more than cover the annual aircraft capital cost. With a "free" plane the need for full utilization would be different than a US major with a newer more efficient highly capitalized piece of machinery. The plane operates with a two pilot crew. EIS to MIA is a base and back to base day for a pair of pilots. You could do that with 4 even 3 pilots. To succeed in the short term the largest issue once the planes are flying will be to fly the aircraft full with paying passengers.

Last edited by StormJib; 10/27/2016 12:54 PM.