Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday moved back to Deep Bay... I just had to have some of their sushi again. We were hoping to snorkel Eustacia Reef again, but the sea was so calm that it was very difficult to locate the reef or reef pass and we eventually tried elsewhere.

I took advantage of the exceptionally light winds to paddle board from Saba to Necker Island, passing on either side of Eustacia on the way. Very enjoyable, but a bit sweaty with no breeze at all. My wife also paddled to Biras creek and back, and we both rounded Deep Bay.

With some unsettled weather in the forecast, I decided to move back to the Bight early today and we left around 7 and arrived at 10 just before the first rain band came in.

The sea was glassy the whole way, with dead calm wind and the occasional gust to 1.5 knots. This boat motors great, 8 knots at 2000 rpm.

Spotted the "Yellowstone" offloading some Moorings power and sail cats at Road town. If anyone here is "expecting", congratulations.

Last edited by MrEZgoin; 11/25/2021 10:50 AM.

M4000 "Lio Kai"