Stop & Shop, Shop-Rite, Kings, Pathmark, King Kullen, Waldbaums, A&P...
Price Chopper & Hannaford in upstate NY...

BUT our first choice is always to get them from a local farmstand...

Turnips are a product of the NE... and are not good until after the first hard frost... before the first hard frost they are not nearly as sweet and they can be "woody"...
This (the "woodyness") has nothing to do with the size, but harvesting before the first hard frost...
Supplies down south are probably limited to supermarkets, and the chances are, you'll get them waxed there...
The differance is not that great... waxed turnips (or rudys) are pretty good...
unless you want to cook them in the oven... then the wax is a problem!

[color:"blue"]Life with my wife... It's not just a marriage, It's an Adventure![/color]
"Only Sailors Get Blown Offshore" <*}}}><{