Originally Posted by EdB
i guess after thirty years of vacations plus or minus, as most of us have done.....we don't know anything. Never knew that one had to live there during the winter in order to know the island....to know the people...to know the resort owners...to know the restauranteurs...etc. Maybe some day the rest of us will finally get to know the island.. LOL I wonder how many weeks in total one has to be on the island in order to feel it is our second home???

Totally agree. We've been going to SXM for thirty years. We've been through all the drama of Pelican Resort. We now own eight weeks, and spend a large part of the winter there. So, yeah, I guess I'm one of those who only goes once a year. But on the other hand, I'm a glass-half-full kind of girl, and most everyone I know that comes year after year is as well. A lot of people gave up their units during the Pelican downtimes. Those who stuck it out are glad they did and are now owners of a top-rated resort. I personally am glad that those who saw only the negative gave theirs up. Life is too short to live with negativity. If you really don't like it, then get rid of it.

And PS, thanks to Carol and Eric and Rural Carrier for this site. I for one feel it's open to everyone. I read it regularly, I sometimes contribute, and I'm always interested in what others have to say. Again, thank you, and thank all the contributors.