How 'bout when the EIS airport was only an outside hangar. There were less contingencies on airplane luggage. We flew to EIS around 1991. We brought an ice chest the size of a Volkswagen (no ice / mostly just "all our junk") . It didn't make the final flight with us. We charted our boat at the Moorings > sailed around to the airport > dinghied and walked up to the airport shack > there was the ice chest "untouched, complete" and no one around.

BTW - we saw Tony at the Last Resort later that evening, after watching a bunch of sailboats run up on the Last Resort reef all afternoon. You just can't get that "keel on reef" sound out of your mind.

And, by the time we reached BEYC > just like Tony's song > we thought we were true sailors and our best friends (on the boat) are now our "worst enemies"