The first time we went to the Baths it was maybe 1990. We took a cab up from the Spanish Town/yacht harbor dock and the only thing at the top was the old Mad Dog. No Top Of the Baths shops/pool etc, no nearby villas like Las Brises (sp) and the ranger station was a small empty structure. The path down to the Baths was primitive without steps, hand rails and other things that are there now. At the beach there were no other tourists, just the wife and I. No locals, in fact no one there but us. Forget the bathrooms, storage lockers, park signs or gift tents. Nothing! What to do? Where do we go? Then we saw that someone had spray painted in red on a boulder "to the pool" with an arrow pointing to a narrow opening. We made it in and followed what we thought of as a between the rocks and boulders pathway and all of a sudden we were in the big boulder room, the main attraction. We were awed of course and waded in the pool of ocean water and felt like we were in the center of the universe. It was amazing and we were the only people there. After a while we went back out the way we came, not knowing about the complete walk through to Devil's Bay. Back on the beach I slipped in the sand and gashed my lower leg on a buried rock. There was blood and no way to stop it, so we headed back up the primitive pathway and went into MadDog. This was our first time meeting Edith. I excused myself and asked her if I could please have a paper towel with some water on it to address the bloody gash on my leg. Edith took one look at my wound and folded up several paper towel's and then poured some vodka on them and handed them to me. I wiped the gash with the alcohol fueled paper's. Thanks to Edith I did not get an infection and she became our best friend and still is after all of these years. She is now a security guard at yacht harbor. No bushwhackers but fun visiting with her every year. If you are there in May look for us. I am usually in a Hawaiian shirt with guitars on it and wearing a MadDog ball cap. To old to bare boat charter now we stay at Guavaberry Spring Bay and still go to the Baths despite the extensive changes over the years. Still fun for us!!!!!!