I dunno, but I suspect that there were a LOT of poorly working parts here.

Having run a crewed charterboat for years, and before that bareboat skippered (granted in the old days)here's my two pence.

I'm thinkin' that your party was a bunch of Millenials, or slightly older...used to instant gratification and anonymous communication. You would have been comfortable texting the crew of your displeasure, but would avoid actually sitting down with them and having a face-to-face meeting to iron out the problems before they became insurmountable.

The fact that you brought meat to be divided up differently at each or some meals is no less than ridiculous. Unfortunately your goofy chef didn't have the ability to discuss a more reasonable plan with you, and practiced the prevalent West Indian technique of avoidance (not to say that he was West Indian by birth). Obviously you should have stopped the madness at the first meal, and again...had a short meeting, which may or may not have been productive, as far as the silly meat allocation was concerned, but at least you would have had a plan.

The hot water thing is also nothing short of ridiculous. If you had knowledge that the engine heat exchanger was working, and that the problem could have been solved by running an engine or two...you obviously should have had a short meeting with the captain - mano-o-mano to resolve the issue. If it couldn't have been resolved...seriously...get over it. Cold water happens. And in August at Latitude 18, nothing is actually cold naturally. Take a saltwater bath with a freshwater rinse and enjoy your evening.

The captain sounds like an idiot. He should have been sensitive to your dissatisfaction and addressed it toute de suite. He should know that he's more flight attendant than pilot in the BVI. The fact that you tipped him is a testament to your weakness, not his.

The bottom line is that you should have...as some have emphatically suggested...gone with a crewed charter boat. They would have communicated with you in advance and worked out the details of your 'meat situation'. If there was no hot water, the skipper would have gone to the ends of the earth to solve the problem.

When I ran my charter boat, I would have done virtually anything to make you happy. And our guests agreed...with never a bad comment...in spite of many difficult situations (losing steering, inadequate power at night, running aground at Anegada...the list goes on).

I only actually terminated one charter. That was because the drunken wife, and mother of three, demanded 'special favors' from me. I negotiated a refund with the whipped hubby (everything was refunded except the cost of perishables - which we donated to the hospital). We put the entire family ashore in Road Town the next day.

Reasonable people talk reasonably to one another to resolve issues.

It ain't rocket science.